
Monday, October 15, 2012

Technology Lesson Plans on Teachers Pay Teachers

I am working on uploading technology integration lesson plans onto Teachers Pay Teachers.  Stay tuned as more are uploaded. Also, you will find small group lesson plans for Scott Foresman Reading Street in my store.  I hope you find something you can use!


Create Talking Avatars Using Voki

Voki is an online program for creating talking avatars. My students loved Voki! Their assignment was to research a famous athlete and create a Voki of their facts.   Here is one example of a Voki that was created by one of my 4th graders.


The possibilities of using Voki in the classroom are endless.  You can easily embed Voki onto websites and blogs.  My students were asked to publish their Voki onto our Kidblogs.  How have you used Voki in your classroom?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween Words from VocabularySpellingCity

As Halloween approaches, elementary teachers are always looking for ways to incorporate the holiday into our plans in a fun but educational way.  Try VocabularySpellingCity's Halloween Word Games.  Your kids are sure to love the online games like Hangmouse, LetterFall, and Match-It.  You can create handwriting printables, online spelling and vocabulary tests, and a variety of other handouts.  You can even create your own lists using your weekly spelling and vocabulary words.  

VocabualrySpellingCity has been instrumental in my classroom for several years.  By singing their praises, I now work with them in the area of social media promotions.  I would never endorse a product that I do not love!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Creating a TripWow Photo Slideshow

My students recently read the story Grandfather's Journey.  As an extension to that activity, they created a TripAdvisor TripWow slideshow of a place they would like to visit.  In this activity, the students learn how to save a picture, upload it, and share a link.  Below, you will see one of my student's TripWows.

New York City Slideshow: Amber’s trip to New York City was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

Take time to view other TripWows we created by {clicking here}.

I always post my assignments for my students on Edmodo. This way, the directions and links are always handy whether the students are at school or home.  Here is the assignment I posted for TripWow.

This is a 2 part assignment. Do not go on to the next part until you have finished the previous part.

Part 1: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Research that location using Pics4Learning. Save 10-15 pictures of that place on your jump drive. To do that, right click on the picture, and select "Save picture as." Change the location bar to "Removable Disk," and click save.

Part 2: Create a TripWow of your location. Click the link "Make a Free Slideshow." Login using the email address The password is XXXXXX. On the right hand side, select "Create a New One." Select your background. Choose "My Computer." Select "Click to Upload." Change the "Look In" bar to "Removable Disk." Select the pictures you saved. Hold the control key down while you click on them to choose more than one picture. Enter the location of your pictures. Fill in the "Customize" section. Click "Done," then "Continue." Click "Skip" on Facebook, email, and blog. On "Share the Slideshow with Your Friends," click on "Copy Link." Paste that link as a reply here. To do that, right click, and select paste.
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I created a generic email address to be used by all of my students.  This way, I have control of their creations, and the projects are all located in one place when I get ready to download them to share on our class website.  Remember, it is very important to share your students' work.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Teaching...My Calling Is Named a Top Education Technology Site

What a thrill to open my email and read the following:

"I’m writing this to let you know about a list has published entitled Top 25 Education Technology Sites in 2012.

We poured through hundreds of worthy sites focused on education technology both in and out of the classroom, selecting our final 25 based on factors including readership, post quality, search ranking, and site age. I'm very pleased to let you know that your site has made the final list! You can view it here:

We consider the union of technology and learning essential to the future of education. Sites on this list offer everything from simple tech tips, to examples of how to utilize technology to help students learn in new and unique ways."

Top Education Technology Site 2012

I am truly honored! Although, my posts have been lacking due to graduate school, I promise that I am not going away.  I am making a vow to myself to post at least one technology related idea each week.  OK, I'll do my best!

Thank you to all my readers!
