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Alabama, United States
Educator and Lifelong Learner, Asst Principal at @cmslions, #NBCT, #EdD from @ucumberlands, @Google Educator Lvl 1 & 2, Google for Education Certified Trainer

Monday, January 21, 2013

Social Media Manners

Your mom always taught you to mind your manners.  Do you think about your manners when you are involved in social media?  As I was preparing a presentation on "Extending Your Reach Using Social Media," I was researching etiquette in using social media.  Through my web searches, I have derived a list of the top 10 rules of social media etiquette that I think are most important.  What would you add?

1)Acknowledge when someone follows, comments, or retweets. A thank you goes a long way!
2)Keep your posts positive. 
3)Be careful clicking on links.  If it looks suspicious, it probably is.
4)Don’t be afraid to interact with businesses. I have had some really great opportunities and received some really great products for free by simply responding to a Tweet or blog post.
5)Give credit where credit is due.  We all have great things to share.  Be sure you acknowledge the source.
6)Complete your profiles and add a picture.  We like knowing there is a real person on the other end.
7)Don't put anything on the Internet that you wouldn't want your boss to read.  They do check!
8)Spellcheck everything before you send.
9)Post regularly but not too often.  We want to read what you share, but if it becomes too frequent, we often skip over your posts.
10)Don't follow someone just for the sake of building your number of followers.  You will find yourself overwhelmed if you are trying to follow to many people.  Follow those who share what is important to you.

Bonus:  Learn to use hashtags.  Hashtags are keywords or phrases that users search to find topics of interest.  They always begin with #.  {Click here} for an extensive list of educational hashtags.


Kim said...

Great ideas, Cara:
I pinned it! I could use some extra practice on almost all of these, so thanks for the reminder...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

Unknown said...

Thanks or the reminders. One question should you place hash tags on blog entries and where would they be placed ?
Two question rather.
Thanks for your help!

plastificadora said...

Very interesting blog. Alot of blogs I see these days don't really provide anything that I'm interested in, but I'm most definately interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.

Unknown said...

You’re right about interacting with businesses. Most businesses are always making an effort to connect with their customers, so if you also make an effort to seek them out, you are actually returning the favor. As such, businesses will be grateful to you and, as you have experienced, you might receive freebies, discounts, and other similar things.

Sean Spear

Whitehat Inbound said...

That's true. Maintaining a good and positive attitude must always be carried wherever we go. This is what usually makes a person worthy and trustful, even in social media sites, where most of the people who view your profile are strangers and what you post is actually what creates an impression of yourself.

Clwyd Probert