
Sunday, April 19, 2015

I Will Give You Rest--Matthew 11:28

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Help Wanted: Blog Ideas

Life became busy, and my blog was pushed to the wayside.  There is something special about connecting with readers on topics that we find important.  Nothing compares to having a network where we can share and gather ideas, provide a support for our day-to-day tasks, have a laugh, or learn something new.  

In the past couple of weeks, I have had an urge to become an avid blogger again.  However, knowing myself, I need a plan.  The best plan for me would be themed days.  I wouldn't necessarily post every day of every week, but it would provide me a guide of ideas to post. 

This is where I need your help.  What would you like to see posted?  What themes would you like?  Here are some of my ideas.  Be sure to add, comment, or question.

Monday: Make-it Monday (Crafts, recipes, instructional tools, etc.)
Tuesday: Tech Tuesday (Favorite technology tools and websites)
Wednesday: No Words Wednesday (Picture of something important)
Thursday:  Throwback Thursday (Influences, ideas, etc. from the past)
Friday: Finally Friday (Free post)
Saturday: Strategy Saturday (Instructional strategies)
Sunday: Simply Sunday (Words of inspiration, rest, and refreshment)

Thank you for your help and continued support!
