
Monday, March 30, 2020

Make It Monday: Felt Christmas Stockings

As educators, we all need an activity that is good for our soul.  One that we can create and express ourselves while escaping from the day-to-day routines of lesson planning, scheduling, discipline, parent meetings, etc.

I have recently taken up sewing.  Specifically, I sew felt Christmas stockings.  All work is done by hand.  Personally, I use kits created by Bucilla.  The stockings I have made each have a significance.  

My first, Christmas Baby, for my first granddaughter, Stella

My second, Santa Paws, in memory of our Sheltie, Snoopy, and in honor of our Bichon, Chevy

I am currently working on Pawfect Gift.  I'll share it with you once I am finished.

I urge you to use this time of social distancing to take up a hobby.  Find one that you enjoy while allowing to calm your mind and soul.


Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19 and School Restructuring

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.”-Proverbs 4:13
Teachers, I know that the message of school closure for the remainder of the school year, although anticipated, reaches your core. You love your students. You wish the best for your students. You worry about your students. You miss your colleagues. You miss your work. You are and always will be a teacher. Yes, it will look different, be different, and feel different for a while. Pray daily for your students. Pray daily for the parents. Pray for one another. Pray for our local and state leaders. We don’t know what the future holds, and there are some big decisions to make.
Let’s use this time to support one another. There is no need for political bashing. Take time to call or text one another. Write letters. Continue learning a new hobby or skill. Make plans for bigger and better next school year. We’ve got this!