
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday Thoughts-Fairness, Caring, and Integrity

As I was browsing Facebook early this morning, I saw the above picture. I couldn't get the saying out of my mind. As we met for our weekly before school prayer and devotion, the subject was much the same. We discussed how for some of our students, we may be the only Christian that they see. As my mother always says, "With God, there are no coincidences."

Do you remember your teachers from elementary school? Of course! You remember some as being positive and upbeat. You remember others as crabby and mean. Some were kind and loving. Others were there simply for the paycheck. What do you want your students to remember about you?

Hopefully, my students find my fair, caring, and full of integrity. Although, I don't force religion upon my students, I don't hide my beliefs, either. I can talk all I want, but it is how my actions are presented to my kids that make all the difference. My prayer is that I live in a way that my former students will remember me as the kind of person Christ requires me to be. 



  1. Just found your blog through TBA! Look forward to browsing and being inspired!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. Thanks for finding my blog! I look forward to learning together.
