
Monday, January 16, 2012

Common Core iPad App

Mastery Connect has developed a FREE iPad app to allow you to view the Common Core Standards. The app includes language arts and math standards divided by grade level. What a great way to keep the standards close at hand! Download the free app {here}.
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  1. Thanks so much for this info. I just downloaded the app on my iPad.

  2. Thank you soooooooo much for sharing!!! I pinned it & downloaded it to my iPad!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  3. Thanks, that will be very handy to have! I just discovered your blog. I'm your newest follower. Hop you'll pop over and visit.

  4. This is AWESOME...downloading this tomorrow morning~ Well, it really is tomorrow morning and I should be sleeping. I also wanted you to know that I LOVE your scripture at the top of your blog. It was like a drink of cold water when I stopped by! Thank you!
