
Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm One Lucky Blogger!

My blog was nominated for The Versatile Blogger award twice! Thank you to Dianne at Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching and Heather at Beg, Borrow, and Teach


The rules for receiving this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who presented the award to you, and link back to them.
2. Tell seven things about yourself.
  • I am a true Alabama girl. I was born, raised, and still live in Northeast Alabama. In fact, my house is only 7 miles from my parent's house where I grew up.
  • I am truly a tech nerd! A girl can never have too many gadgets or follow too many sites. I work with VocabularySpellingCity in the area of social media promotions, and I am a member of the Promethean Social Media Council.
  • I have taught in the same school for 15 years. Find out more information about my school and class on my website
  • I have been married to my great husband for 12 years. He blessed me with two children and a kitty. We recently lost our sweet Sheltie.
  • I am obsessed with all areas of social media. Follow me on Twitter and Pinterest. I have learned so much from my PLN (personal learning network) and love gathering and sharing great teaching ideas.
  • I believe good grammar is a must in writing. Even if you are Tweeting, you can maintain good grammar. I despise text lingo.
  • I am a huge Alabama football fan. In honor of tomorrow's BCS National Championship game, ROLL TIDE!
3. Pass the award on to 15 other newly, discovered blogs. These may not be new to the blogging world but new to you. Be sure you link to this post onto a comment on their blog.



  1. Thanks for thinking of me!!! The blogging community is truly amazing, isn't it?!

    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  2. Thanks, Cara! You are so thoughtful and a wonderful friend and colleague.
