
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Read the Bible Through Week 3

This week's reading revolved around the story of Joseph. Joseph experienced great turmoils. However, God's plan was revealed. It may not have been Joseph's plan, but God was preparing him for great things. 

Here is what God revealed to me through each day's readings:

  • Genesis 30-33: God encouraged persistence through our spiritual lives, too. Strong character develops through tough situations. We can run, or we can pray.
  • Genesis 34-37: "I am God almighty." (35:11). Our talents and knowledge come from God. Be thankful for them. Don't brag about them. Jealousy leads to serious sin.
  • Genesis 38-40: Don't try to just avoid temptation. Turn and run! An effective witness relates God to others' experiences. When overlooked, trust God. More opportunities are waiting.
  • Genesis 41-43: Opportunities may come our way when we least expect them. Be ready to call on God by getting to know more about Him. Don't be silent when you should give credit and honor to God. Planning is a responsibility not an option.
  • Genesis 44-46: God is in control far beyond the immediate situation. God forgives us even though we sin against Him. All we have to do is ask.
  • Genesis 47-50: God will honor faithfulness. God can use me to carry out His plans even without all the complications. Everything good comes from God. Trust in God that gave you your gifts. Don't let your trust become misplaced. Utilize the potential God gave you.
The study I am using, Reader's Guide to the Bible by George H. Guthrie, is a chronological reading plan. For this reason, we skip to the book of Job.
  • Monday, January 23: Job 1-5
  • Tuesday, January 24: Job 6-9
  • Wednesday, January 25: Job 10-13
  • Thursday, January 26: Job 14-17
  • Friday, January 27: Job 18-21
  • Saturday, January 28: Job 22-24
I am looking forward to what God has to say this week. Feel free to share your comments, too.

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