
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tech Tuesday-Glogster

Each week, I present my students with a technology project. The project correlates with their weekly basal story. I post the project on Edmodo, and they are given time to work on the project during their literacy centers time, lab time, and at home. Each week, they create a presentation using some sort of web based tool and write a blog using Kidblog. Here is the project I posted for How Night Came from the Sea. (We use Scott Foresman Reading Street Grade 4.) 

This week's story is a Pourquoi Tale of how night and day came to be. We are going to discuss one very important part of night-SLEEP! 

1-Research why people need to sleep. Find at least 5 reasons that sleep helps our bodies. Save at least 3 pictures onto your jump drive.

2-Create a Glogster poster encouraging people to get a full night's sleep. The username is XXXXX. The password is XXXXX. 
a. Go to "Create New Glog" 
b. Insert your facts and pictures into your Glog. 
c. You may insert videos from "SchoolTube Videos" on the video button. 
d. Once you are finished (or time is up), select "Save or Publish." 
e. Change the name to your name and Sleep. 
f. If you are still working, make sure you choose "Unfinished." If you are ready to publish, check "Finished." 
g. Copy and paste the link as a reply to this assignment. 

3-Write a Kidblog about a dream you once had. It can be serious, funny, or scary. Of course, you can MSU (make something up), too.

Glogster has several levels of licenses, but they will cost you. However, I choose to use the single license (which is free). My students simply create their Glogs under the same username and password. This works fine with my class of 20 students.

Please take a minute to view some of our finished Glogs by clicking here. You will find our blogs here

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  1. I never cease to be amazed at the wonderful ideas you have! You are such a great teacher!

  2. And thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow, love your idea. And how you integrated the weekly story into the project.

  4. Glad I found you. I'm your newest follower!

    I love the technology you are using in your room. I had never heard of Glogster, so thanks for sharing.

    I'm having a give-away if you are interested.

    Fun in Room 4B

  5. Thanks so much! My plan is to post our weekly tech project with examples every Tuesday.

  6. I have looked at Glogster as a technology project, but wasn't sure how to do it since I only have a free account. Thanks for the tips. I am going to copy you steps and use it for a state's report...or some other social studies project.

    A Time to Share & Create


    Fabulous 4th Grade

  7. I have actually started using Glogster as an addition to my blog. I love using it. It is very eye appealing and so easy to use!

    Cooperative Learning 365

  8. Thanks for sharing your technology ideas. I will have to check out Glogster! Sounds wonderful!

    Teaching First

  9. Hi, I am your newest follower!
    I LOVE Glogster! I used it with my grade 4 class last year and they really enjoyed it ;)

    Grow Up Learning

  10. I am getting ready to use Glogster next month for my student's book project. Thanks for sharing your idea!

  11. What an amazing project, combining technology, creativity, and literacy! It's fantastic to see how you engage your students in exploring the importance of sleep through research, Glogster posters, and Kidblog writing. The use of web-based tools like Glogster and Kidblog not only enhances their learning experience but also allows them to showcase their work in a digital format. I'm sure the students had a lot of fun while developing their Glogs and sharing their dreams on Kidblog. Keep up the great work, and I'm excited to check out the finished Glogs and read their blogs!
    Audi Repair Dubai
