
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Read the Bible Through Week 4

Job is not the easiest book in the Bible to read. It is full of devastation, loss, questioning, and suffering. However, God shares some great life lessons for us through the story of Job. Read my summaries of what God said to me through my readings.

Job 1-5: Put the roots of your faith deep into God, so you can withstand any storm that you face. When someone is in need, go to them but be sensitive of how you comfort them. Sometimes, your presence is enough.
Job 6-9: God is in control. He will take care of you. Express your feelings to God. Be patient with other's impatience.
Job 10-13: God wants only the very best for you. We can't hide from God. He sees and hears everything.
Job 14-17: No matter how bad things are in the present, God offers the hope of eternal life. All we must do is accept it. Depend on God for hope.
Job 18-21: "I know that my Redeemer lives." (19:23) To God, success is based on a person's heart. He is in control.
Job 22-24: If God has forgiven and accepted us, we are forgiven indeed. 

Next week's readings:
Monday, January 30: Job 25-28
Tuesday, January 31: Job 29-32
Wednesday, February 1: Job 33-36
Thursday, February 2: Job 37:1-40:5, Psalm 19
Friday, February 3: Job 40:6-42:17, Psalm 29
Saturday, February 4: Exodus 1-4
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