Adelina's Whales
Our story this week is about a small town in Mexico where the whales come to visit every year. We will also spend some time discussing other sea creatures. So, this week, you will think about creatures of the sea.
1-Research a sea creature. It must be an animal or plant that lives in the ocean. Save at least 3 pictures of your sea creature to your jump drive.
2-Write a blog post about the sea creature you have chosen. Embed your 3 pictures into your blog post.
3-Create a Fluxtime animation of an underwater world.
(a)Open up Fluxtime, and click on "Click here to create a free animation." **THIS PROGRAM WORKS BETTER IN INTERNET EXPLORER THAN GOOGLE CHROME**
(b)Choose your background, and click OK. Make sure you are choosing a background from Underwater World.
(c)Click the shapes icon at the top to insert clipart from Underwater World. Once you have inserted your clipart, you will then click record and move the clipart around on the screen. Click stop when you are through recording. Choose play to see what you just did. You can continue adding clipart and animations.
(d)Once you are finished, select the little envelope at the bottom of the screen. The only way for Fluxtime to save without paying is to email it. Beside "send to," enter my email address XXXXXXXX. Beside "from," you may enter your email address (if you have one) or reenter mine. I will then post your Fluxtime onto our class website.
Can you embed flextime into kidblog? Flextime seems very easy to use. My students would love this.
The only option you have for the free version of the site is to email (as far as I know). There is a paid version, but it is in pounds. I don't know if we are even able to subscribe to it.