
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Great Compliment!

We did many things to celebrate National Digital Learning Day in my classroom. During our Morning Meeting, I introduced what Digital Learning Day is and its purpose-to encourage using technology in the classroom. My students piped up stating, "This won't be any different than any other day!" What a great compliment!

Here is a brief schedule of what we did for National Digital Learning Day:

  1. The students created Tweets on their ActivExpressions2 using the stem "I like technology because __________."
  2. During literacy centers, the students animated plays they wrote on Kidblog using Domo Animate. Also, they played games from VocabularySpellingCity using their weekly spelling words.
  3. Our math lesson today was on symmetry. We took photos on our iPad using the Photobooth Mirror setting. You can view those {here}.
  4. Throughout the day, students read on their Nooks, iPod Touches, etc.
  5. To end our day, we Skyped with Mrs. Kilgo's 4th grade class (ThinkShareTeach) and shared why we love technology.
We had a fun day incorporating technology into our lessons. I wonder what we will do tomorrow?

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  1. Wow, what an exciting digital learning day you guys had.. If you and your class are interested in learning about mardi GRAS, we are looking for a few classes to Skype with to share.

  2. How about Wednesday, feb. 15 for the Skype call. What is a good time for you?

  3. Are we still on for a Mardi Gras Skype on Wednesday at 10? If so, send me an email at
