You have reached your final destination on the Bunny Hop. Hasn't it been fun? I have gathered so many great tools to use with my students. Thanks to all my fellow bloggers!
I have one final freebie to offer you. JogNog has so graciously donated free quiz towers and tokens for our Bunny Hop. Your students and you are going to LOVE this freebie! JogNog is a test prep website that provides competitive learning games that motivate players to learn more, faster, better. As students master material, they create virtual cities. They can play alone or challenge their friends. Material is based on the core curriculum-language arts, math, science, and social studies. However, you will find so much more, and you can even create your own question sets.
To get started, register for a free account at http://www.jognog.com. In the search box at the top right of the screen, enter the secret code QZ37FYH. Feel free to share the code with your students, coworkers, blog followers, and friends. JogNog is also available through the iTunes Apps Store and Android Market, so the code will work in the search on your mobile devices, too.
Your students are sure to thank you for discovering JogNog. My students love the site! If you have any questions or comments about JogNog, feel free to share them with me. This is a great freebie! To thank JogNog for this special freebie, please take a second to like them on Facebook and Twitter by clicking the icons below.
If you have missed out on any of the Bunny Hop freebies, don't fret. Simply, click on the TBA Bunny Hop image below, and get started on the trail. Happy Easter!
Neat freebie - thanks for thinking of a way to integrate technology. You're so good at that!
-Leslie @KindergartenWorks
I can't wait to learn more about this site. I will recommend this to others at my school.
My son LOVES jog nog and is excited about this giveaway. You rock!
First Class Teacher
Hi Cara!
I just found your blog! Jog nog looks really interesting! I'm excited to check it out! I love using technology in my classroom and am excited to get some more great ideas from you! I am a new follower!
Lessons with Laughter
Hi Cara! Thank you for organizing this incredible freebie! I am off to check out this site right now. :)
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