Denim Column

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Alabama, United States
Educator and Lifelong Learner, Asst Principal at @cmslions, #NBCT, #EdD from @ucumberlands, @Google Educator Lvl 1 & 2, Google for Education Certified Trainer

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Everything's Intermediate Virtual Teaching Expo Launches This Saturday

Have you signed up for the Everything's Intermediate Virtual Teaching Expo? It is going to be a fun-filled day of professional development from the comfort of your own home. The launch date is set for Saturday, April 21, 2012. You will hear from four teachers on a variety of topics to use in your classroom.

Those who preregister will have access to a special virtual goodie bag full of resources and printables. 

You don't want to miss this special event! {Click here} for more information.



1 Unknown said...

Cara, I'm so excited for the expo!!!
Your images on this post don't load correctly though.

❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop

2 Andrea Brown - Cheers To School said...

I'm super duper excited for the expo! :)

Cheers To School

3 Chanda said...

I just registered for the expo and I am looking forward to learning new things.

Thanks for sharing with us!!