Denim Column

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Alabama, United States
Educator and Lifelong Learner, Asst Principal at @cmslions, #NBCT, #EdD from @ucumberlands, @Google Educator Lvl 1 & 2, Google for Education Certified Trainer

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Virtual Teaching Expo on Teacher's Notebook

Each presentation from the Virtual Teaching Expo is now available on Teacher's Notebook. You will hear from classroom teachers on a variety of topics to enhance your classroom. The presentations can be purchased individually for $4.95.

 I had the honor of presenting on "Integrating Technology Into Your Classroom." Although, it was part of the Everything's Intermediate Expo, I can guarantee there is something for every grade level in the presentation. {Click here} to add my presentation to your cart. 



1 Leslie said...

I agree - every grade level can use your presentation. It was wonderful! Thanks!