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Alabama, United States
Educator and Lifelong Learner, Asst Principal at @cmslions, #NBCT, #EdD from @ucumberlands, @Google Educator Lvl 1 & 2, Google for Education Certified Trainer

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tech Tuesday-TripWow

I created the following technology project to correlate with Grandfather's Journey. The students used the free website TripAdvisor TripWow to create slideshows of a place they wanted to visit. Feel free to adapt it to your curriculum. I copied the following post straight from my Edmodo assignments. The links are active, too!

This is a 3 day assignment. Do not go on to the next day until you have finished the previous day.

Day 1: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Research that location using Yahoo Kids (the link that begins "Kids Games"). Save 10-15 pictures of that place on your jump drive. To do that, right click on the picture, and select "Save picture as." Change the location bar to "Removable Disk," and click save.

Day 2: Write a blog posting using about your favorite place. Once you click on the link, select your name in the list, and enter your password (the usual one). Answer the question posted using complete sentences.

Day 3: Create a TripWow of your location. Click the link "Make a Free Slideshow." Login using the email address XXXXXXXX. The password is XXXXXX. On the right hand side, select "Create a New One." Select your background. Choose "My Computer." Select "Click to Upload." Change the "Look In" bar to "Removable Disk." Select the pictures you saved. Hold the control key down while you click on them to choose more than one picture. Enter the location of your pictures. Fill in the "Customize" section. Click "Done," then "Continue." Click "Skip" on Facebook, email, and blog. On "Share the Slideshow with Your Friends," click on "Copy Link." Paste that link as a reply here. To do that, right click, and select paste. 
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To view our completed TripWows, please click {here}.

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1 Tamara L. Chilver said...

This is totally cool Cara!

2 InspiredTeacher said...

Hi Cara! Thanks for participating in the giveaway last week at Inspired Teacher! You WON the charm bracelet!! Will you shoot me your email and I can connect you with the store so you can design your own teaching charm! Yeah! Congrats!!

Laura, InspiredTeacher.Net

3 Farrah Kilgo said...

I love tripwow and my so do my kids!

4 Dr. Cara Whitehead, NBCT said...

Hey, Laura. I am so excited! I was hoping I would win because I absolutely love your charm bracelets. Thank you so much! My email address is

5 where to sell electronics said...

Sure is a great site!